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About Us
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Executive Vice President

Born in Genoa in 1963 where he lives, married with sons, graduated in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Genoa, master’s specialization in “Program Management for ICT companies” at SDA Bocconi. 

His experience has been consolidated through over thirty years of activity in national and international companies in Italy and abroad, with roles of increasing responsibility in the areas of IT, Business Development, Sales, Project Management, Service and Operation, Logistics, Communications and Marketing, Production. Cross-country and multicultural mentality, entrepreneur in Management Consulting, expert in Change Management, planning and programming (PMI member), organizational models and risk management. 

He began his professional career in 1989 in Datasiel S.p.A., now Liguria Digitale, where he dealt with the standardization of the Information System for the Regione Liguria. In 2001 he joined Marconi Communication S.p.A., where he gained important international experience. The Vodafone OTN network is among the most significant creations. 

At Ericsson Telecommunications S.p.A. since 2007, he has held managerial roles in the Program Management field, following projects for national and international clients, such as the Ministry of the Interior, Wind, H3G, Ansaldo STS, Selex Communication, Brennercom, Vodafone. From 2015 to 2020 he was Partner and member of the Board of Directors of BF Partners and associated with Confindustria Assoconsult Genova. Since 2020 he has been responsible for the “Area Genova Lavora” of the Associazione Vince Genova. 

Since 2021 he has been Manager at the Municipality of Genova, where he holds the position of Director of the “Smart City – Process Reengineering and Digitalization” in the Technology Office Area. In January 2024 he was appointed by the Mayor as Executive Vice President of the Associazione Genoa Smart City. 

He lives digitally and thinks analogically, loves oriental philosophy with a particular passion for Japan: his aphorism is “Hana wa sakuragi, hito wabushi”, which means “Among the flowers the cherry tree, among men the warrior”.