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Smart Start | March 14, 2022


Time & Location

Mar 14, 2022, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Genoa, Via Francesco Vivaldi, 5, 16126 Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

The first meeting between the Genoa Smart City Association and Genoese start-ups with the aim of getting to know the local innovative realities and involving them in the design of the smart city of the future.


Matteo Pastorino– Pro-Rector for technology transfer and relations with businesses

Marco Bucci– Mayor of Genoa

Daniela Boccadoro Ameri– President of the Genoa Smart City Association

Alfredo Viglienzoni– Director of the Economic Development Area of the Municipality of Genoa – 

Executive Vice President of the Genoa Smart City Association

Paola Dameri– Delegate to the smart city University of Genoa

Franco Borasi– Member of the Board of Directors of the Genoa Smart City Association

Stefano Carosio– Project Manager Genoa Smart City Association

Victoria Gozzi– Vice President of Confindustria Genova with responsibility for Startups and Training

Matthew Cat– Head of new business service CLP – Chamber of Commerce of Genoa

Daniel Pallavicini– President of the Confcommercio Genova Young Entrepreneurs Group

Maria Nives Riggio– Deputy General Manager FI.LSE Spa

Startup representatives

For information and confirmations:genovasmartcity@comune.genova.it

To register for the event:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tickets-smart-start-289504504767 

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