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Silver Economy Forum 2022 – Longevity Revolution

The Silver Economy Forum is the first event in Italy for the world of seniors and the point of reference for the national economy. Through conferences, workshops, insights and preparation of b2b exhibition spaces, the event explores all the activities that contribute to the development of this business

Time & Location

Sep 14, 2022, 9:30 AM – Sep 16, 2022, 1:30 PM

Genoa, Piazza del Principe, 4, 16126 Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

TheSilver Economy Forumis the first event in Italy for the world of seniors and thepoint of reference for the national economy. After the successes of the last editionsbusinesses, professionals, institutions, academics and associationsreturn to address the over 50 target to support the silver economy. 

The format includes a series ofmeetings, conferences, workshopsto understand the changes and draw up a roadmap with experts, economists, companies, public administration, associations on the effect of the demographic transformations underway in order to intercept the future needs of the target.

The theme of this fourth edition will be “Longevity Revolution“: the new trend represented by an increasingly active and aware society. A real demographic revolution with which we have to deal.

The novelty of the 4th edition will be an exhibition areawhere companies in the sector will be able to exhibit products and services dedicated to active ageing.

For more informationclick here!

For the programclick here!

To register for the eventclick here!