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Genova Smart Week

Time & Location

Nov 25, 2019, 9:00 AM – Nov 30, 2019, 6:00 PM

Genoa, Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

 Genoa Smart Week is the week of events, meetings and initiatives dedicated to the Smart City, promoted byGenoa Smart City Association Andfrom theMunicipality of Genoawith the organizational technical support ofClickutility Team.The event, which this year reaches its fifth edition, is now a point of reference for the area as a table for comparison and updating on the development of the innovative and livable city. The event, which boasts a large participation by operators and experts working in this sector at a national and international level,   has the objective of acting as a collector of good practices that companies and institutions they are developing and experimenting for the sustainable growth of territories and analyzing technological and non-technological tools and innovative ideas aimed at creating a smart city with a human dimension.