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Blue Economy Summit 2021 | October 13-16

The Blue Economy Summit involves all the main institutional and entrepreneurial protagonists of the area who use the sea as a resource for industrial activities and the development of services by inserting them in a sustainability perspective.

Time & Location

Oct 13, 2021, 5:00 PM – Oct 16, 2021, 9:00 PM

Genoa, Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

2021 EDITION |  13-16 October |  www.besummit.it

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has spread everywhere causing a huge human tragedy and an economic setback of which we have not yet seen the full impact; however, we must start rebuilding our economy and introduce the necessary recovery plans for Genoa and the other cities with a maritime vocation.

The fourth edition of the Blue Economy Summit fits into this context: a national event entirely dedicated to the great opportunities for growth and development for the territories, employment and professional training, deriving from the sea and the industries that gravitate around it. The event dedicated to the Blue Economy will offer a series of appointments such as conferences, workshops, dissemination events and networking initiatives which will be held from 13 to 16 October.

GOAL 2021

Create awareness of the development and professional opportunities deriving from the Blue Economy, which will play a fundamental role in the recovery phase for Genoa and more generally for cities and territories with a maritime vocation.

The Blue Economy Summit is part of a wider project, established through the memorandum of understanding signed on 16 October 2018 and signed by the Municipality of Genoa, the Genoa Smart City Association, the Liguria Region, the University of Genoa, the Genoa Chamber of Commerce and Assagenti.