The Project Lab of the Genova Smart City Association dedicated to European planning was held on Thursday 23 November.

On Thursday 23 November in the outstanding setting of the Salone del Bergamasco in Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino, the Genova Smart City Association in collaboration with the Genova Chamber of Commerce organized a Project Lab dedicated to European financing opportunities and European project writing techniques, with a particular focus on the Horizon Europe programme.
The initiative, which saw the large participation of companies and bodies that are members of the Genova Smart City Association, was divided into two sessions:
1) A first morning session focused on providing basic information on the Horizon Europe program and synergies with local tools and PNRR, how to read a call for tenders and how to approach the preparation of a proposal in the various sections that compose it, bringing various examples and project best practices in the context of smart cities, circular cities and sustainable built environment, Bauhaus, etc;
2) An afternoon session, to make use of what was learned during the first part, organized in parallel groups, aimed at developing the project ideas developed within the Association with respect to a series of high potential tenders.
Many ideas and project ideas emerged during the day which confirmed the vocation of the Genova Smart City Association as a territorial discussion table and incubator of innovative proposals with high potential.