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Domino Effect – How the global world affects our pockets

The presentation of the book “Domino Effect – How the global world influences our pockets” by Mariangela Pira will be held in Genoa on Friday 20 October

Friday 20 October at 6.00 pm at the Salone del Bergamasco of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce (via Garibaldi 4), the presentation of the book “Domino Effect – How the global world influences our pockets” by Mariangela Pira, expert journalist of finance and international politics.

The Event is promoted by the Genova Smart City Association, in collaboration with the Genova Chamber of Commerce as part of the IX Edition of Genova Smart Week.

We will talk about the return of globalization on a global scale with cascading repercussions on the lives of all of us, a theme that will offer multiple food for thought to the guests of the evening to address aspects that concern us closely, starting from the morphology of Smart Cities.

Free Entrance.