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National Strategy for Sustainable Development

The novelty of the updated version is the declination of the strategy through 55 first level indicators and another 190 indicators which are used to monitor the implementation of the strategy itself

The Interministerial Committee for Ecological Transition (Cite) has given the green light to the revision of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. The new version aims to assess and enhance the alignment of Italian priorities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.

The connection between the 17 SDGs and the guidelines of the national strategy is ensured through the so-called “5 P’s,” which represent five core themes encompassing economics, social issues, environment, and climate. By organizing the document into five chapters titled People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership, the National Strategy for Sustainable Development outlines the associated objectives based on 55 key indicators, which are applicable nationwide and across all administrative levels. Additionally, there are another 190 indicators used to monitor the implementation of the strategy itself.