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Regione Liguria: new 4 million call for the circular economy

The first call dedicated to the circular economy in the industrial, manufacturing and bioeconomy fields will open on 26 July

The new 4 million euro call from Regione Liguria will support companies that invest in the circular economy, thanks to an incentive that covers up to 80% of the investment made by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (up to 90% for those in the hinterland), partly in grants and partly in financing.

To be eligible for regional co-financing, the cost of the project must be between 25,000 euros and 250,000 euros.

Interested companies can apply exclusively online, by accessing the Filse “Bandi online” system, from 26 to 31 July. Starting from 19 July, the offline mode will be active to start preparing the application.

For more information click here