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States General for the regeneration of territories 2023

Scheduled in Genoa on 4, 5 and 6 May the “General States for the regeneration of territories”, the event to explore issues related to the regeneration of territories

Regeneration is the tool to attract investments and promote the economic, social and cultural growth of the country. Public administrations will play a fundamental role in this area in initiating and undertaking a process of collaboration with private individuals and local communities and encouraging reclamation interventions in order to improve the quality of the environment and production.

In this context, the “General States for the regeneration of territories” initiative is promoted by the CFA Environmental Forensic Chamber in collaboration with the Sole Government Commissioner for the reclamation of illegal landfills, the CNR, Remtech Expo and Assoil school. The event aims to explore the effects of the environmental, energy and digital transition, analyze the impacts, opportunities and challenges that may arise from them and propose technical, technological and legal solutions to the country system.

The topics dealt with, more specifically, will concern: energy, green production sources, energy communities and hydrogen energy, but also digital transformation, i.e. how technology influences businesses, work and the supply chain value.

Genova Smart City Association, sharing this path and its aims and considering the environmental issue increasingly urgent and topical, will sponsor the event by supporting this initiative which intends to enhance the territories and promote sustainable development to ensure a better future for future generations.