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Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2023 – Call for proposals

The Embassy of Canada to Italy presents the 11th edition of the Canada-Italy Innovation Award

The Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2023 is aimed at start-ups, researchers, scientists or professionals with the purpose to strengthen the ties between Canada and Italy in the field of innovation, offering the opportunity to members of the ecosystem of the creative sector to develop collaborative projects with Canadian partners in areas that lead to innovative, inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development. Over the past decade, the award has led to important discoveries, research and applications, showcasing the significant impact of cooperation between Canada and Italy.

These are the priorities for 2023:
. Mental health
. Collection and recycling of critical minerals
. Production, storage and transport of hydrogen
. Quantum technology
. Preventing gender-based violence

Deadline for applications: 3 April 2023

For more information click here!