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The project

Il “Fascicolo del Cittadino”, the digital space created by the Municipality of Genoa to simplify the relationship between citizens and the institution, celebrates its two-year anniversary.
The platform, accessible at www.fascicolodelcittadino.it, allows residents and non-residents to consult their administrative procedures online, all in one place.

The folder is organized into sections corresponding to various types of subjects (parents, taxpayers, drivers, etc.) who need to interact with the public administration: every citizen can securely and certifiedly access their data and online services, avoiding the need to visit offices.
From the Citizen’s Folder, it is possible to consult one’s demographic status and that of one’s family, access voter card data, and the cadastral data of one’s residence. Additionally, users can manage school enrollments, cafeteria subscriptions, obtain information regarding city mobility, verify RCA coverage, tax payments, and more.
“In these two years, the Citizen’s Folder has proven to be a highly appreciated service by the population,” explains the Councilor for Civic Services and Informatics, Marta Brusoni. “The advantages of the Citizen’s Folder are many. For citizens, the possibility to handle procedures comfortably from home, avoiding queues and appointments. In general, allowing some procedures to be managed online contributes to the dematerialization of documents, proving to be also an environmentally friendly and sustainable tool by reducing paper consumption.

We have decided to continue with training sessions for citizens precisely because, convinced of the importance and usefulness of the Folder, we want to make it known to a broader segment of the population, reducing the generational digital divide.”
The Folder not only gathers services provided by the administration but also those provided by other entities or companies operating in the city—such as affiliated companies, the Liguria Region, and the Motorization Department.
The connection with the IO App also allows timely notification to citizens in the event of an occurrence (ID card expiration, scholarship rankings, courtesy services, new penalties, etc.) and refers them to the Folder for details.

Additionally, in the last year, with the introduction of the telematic desk, more than 200 modules that were previously only in paper form have been integrated, all of which are now directly fillable online and accessible within the Folder itself. The Folder now includes over 80 native digital services and approximately 250 dematerialized services, totaling 330 services in constant growth.
By the numbers: since its inception, “Il Fascicolo del Cittadino” has registered a total number of users of approximately 150,000 people, for a total of approximately 860,000 sessions. Most of the Folder’s users are residents of Genoa, but there are over 22,000 non-resident users who use the Folder for their relevant procedures.

The most viewed sections are “Io Mi Muovo” (with over 330,000 sessions), “Io Contribuente” (295,000 sessions), “Io Cittadino” (265,000 sessions), and “Io Genitore” (230,000 sessions).
Access to the Citizen’s Folder is via SPID, electronic identity card, or national service card.