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About Us
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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


The project

The Play Phygital Genova project represents a new way to discover and make oneself known in Genoa.

It allows users to create or follow virtual itineraries, listen to the avatar narrating the beauties of the city, visit the 3D market, and purchase products from local stores. All activities earn Genovese points, named after the times of the Maritime Republic.

The more Genovese points collected, the greater the rewards.
The Play Phygital Genoa app allows users to explore Genoa comfortably from home through virtual tours or create their own customized itinerary, moving through the streets and squares to discover the city.

Thanks to icons along the way, users can discover palaces, churches, museums, and shops. They are accompanied by a special guide, an avatar ready to narrate what they see.

Users can also explore the 3D market and shop in Genoa, navigating within a typical covered market in three dimensions, with stalls filled with products tied to tradition. There are many recipes and shops to purchase the best products.

The app is available for download in various app stores.
For more information, visit: https://www.visitgenoa.it/it/play-phygital