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Genoa Global Goals Award 2022 | May 2nd

Initiative of the Municipality of Genoa, with the support of the Genova Smart City Association, to reward the commitment of local businesses to improve the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations (17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs).

Time & Location

May 02, 2022, 10:00 AM

Genoa, Nervi, 16167 Genoa GE, Italy

About the event

There are two award categories:

ACHIEVEMENTS: for the results already obtained

PROJECTS: for ideas yet to be implemented

The 17 SDGs have been grouped into five Challenges and defined by the ‘5P’ of sustainable development:

People: 1, 3, 4, 6

Planet: 7, 11, 14, 15

Prosperity: 2, 12, 13

Pace: 5, 10, 16

Partnerships: 8, 9, 17

The twenty finalists, already selected by a jury made up of representatives of institutions, research, businesses and civil society, will have sixty seconds to present their idea and the public will choose the ten winners.

The winner will have the opportunity to choose a small but significant improvement of the city that will bring visibility and promotion of the city.

For more information: investingenova@comune.genova.it Show Less