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Start-ups: all national incentives for 2023

There are many active national funding aimed at startups with the purpose of encouraging and innovating youth entrepreneurship (and not only)

The practical guide of La Repubblica is online with all the national incentives planned for 2023. Below is a brief summary.

Smart&Start Italia: supports the creation and growth of innovative startups with a high technological content in all regions of Italy with the aim of creating a new entrepreneurial culture linked to the digital world and scientific and technological research.

On – Oltre Nuove Imprese a Tasso zero: this is an entrepreneurial incentive for young people under 35 and women of any age which provides facilities with zero-interest financing and non-repayable contributions of up to 90% of the expenses for projects company with expenses of up to 3 million euros.

Smart Money – Phase 2: is reserved for startups in the pre-seed or seed phase that want to make use of specialized services and the know-how of the actors of the innovation ecosystem (authorised bodies, qualified investors or business angels) to carry out a project development and prepare for market launch.

Women’s enterprise fund: the incentive finances the creation and consolidation of enterprises led by women in the sectors of industry, craftsmanship, transformation of agricultural products, services, commerce and tourism.

Creative enterprises fund: it is intended for micro, small and medium enterprises with new or already started projects in the cultural and creative sector. Natural persons can also apply for funding, with the commitment to set up a new creative enterprise after any admission to the subsidies.

Culture creates 2.0: supports the creation and growth of non-profit enterprises in the tourism-cultural sector in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily. In particular, it is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of the cultural and creative industry, and third sector subjects who want to carry out their investment projects in the regions of Southern Italy.

Rest in the South: it is the incentive intended for the birth and growth of new entrepreneurial and freelance activities in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, in the areas of the seismic crater of Central Italy (Lazio, Marche Umbria) and in the smaller marine, lagoon and lake islands of the Centre-North. It is aimed at those between the ages of 18 and 55.

Italia Startup Visa: is the program promoted by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy which is aimed at entrepreneurs from non-EU countries who intend to start a new innovative startup in Italy. It is therefore a strategic tool for attracting talent and innovation to our country.

Innovative startups and SMEs – De minimis tax incentives: consists of a “de minimis” tax incentive for investment in innovative startups and innovative SMEs. Therefore, it provides for a 50% IRPEF deduction for natural persons who invest in the risk capital of innovative startups or innovative SMEs.

Supporting the Blue Economy (SBEP): this is a European partnership co-funded by the Horizon Europe program which promotes research and innovation projects that support the transition towards a regenerative, resilient and sustainable blue economy providing research and innovation solutions to protect our seas and oceans.

Green New Deal: the incentive supports with financial concessions the implementation of research, development and innovation projects within the scope of the ecological and circular transition goals of the Italian Green New Deal. Industrial research and experimental development activities must be aimed at creating new products, processes or services or at significantly improving existing products, processes or services.