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Genova Global Goals Award: registrations are now open

After last year’s success, registrations are now open for the 2nd edition of the Genova Global Goals Award (GGGA)

Registration is open for the 2nd edition of the Genoa Global Goals Award (GGGA), the initiative, inspired by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to reward the best projects that aim to make our city smarter, greener and sustainable.

The 17 SDGs have been grouped into the ‘5P‘ of sustainable development:

  • People → 1, 3, 4, 6;
  • Planet → 7, 11, 14, 15;
  • Prosperity → 2, 12, 13;
  • Peace → 5, 10, 16;
  • Partnership 8, 9, 17.

We have identified 2 categories:
Generation Zeta: schools of all levels;
Senior: companies, start-ups, associations, universities and spin-offs.

You can participate in the competition by submitting imagined (Dream) and/or already implemented (Reality) projects, involving one or more of the 5Ps.

A Jury made up of Institutions, Research, Business, Culture and the Genova Smart City Association will select two projects from those presented for both categories and for each of the 5Ps.

During the final event, which will be held on Tuesday 18 April, the selected projects will compete in a Speed ​​Debating in which the speakers will have 60” to defend their project. The audience itself will decide the winners.

The winners will be offered, thanks to the support of the sponsors, the possibility of choosing a common good to redevelop for the benefit of the entire city or the selected school.

Deadline for joining:15 March 2023

To participate click here!