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Coopstartup Liguria call for proposal is open

Coopstartup Liguria is an initiative that aims to support the development of innovative business ideas proposed by groups wishing to set up or develop a cooperative.

The project is promoted by Legacoop Liguria and Coopfond to experiments with new cooperative promotion processes, among young people and in new markets, which allow for the introduction and dissemination of technological, organizational and social innovations within the cooperative system.

Coopstartup Liguria consists of a training, tutoring, support and acceleration program for a new cooperative enterprise. It aims to promote youth and female employment – through the development of project ideas that involve the introduction of technological, organizational or social innovations, with particular reference to sustainable development and the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

The initiative is aimed at groups of at least 3 people – who intend to form a cooperative – and at neo-cooperatives established starting from 1 January 2021 with registered and operational headquarters in Liguria. Deadline for applications: 8 June 2023.

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