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The project “The rings of well-being” is underway

Genoa with the project “The rings of well-being” is the first Italian city in the prevention and fight against obesity and diabetes

The press conference for the presentation of the “The rings of well-being” project was held yesterday at Palazzo Tursi, an initiative that intends to promote outdoor activities and correct lifestyles, with the help of technology and territorial marketing, and which makes Genoa the first city in Italy in the prevention and fight against obesity and diabetes.


The important recognition comes from the Danish pharmaceutical multinational Novo Nordisk in the framework of the international project Cities Changing Diabetes, which involved over 40 cities around the world, eight of which are Italian, to evaluate the impact of urbanization on non-communicable chronic diseases, especially diabetes and obesity, and to halt their growth curve through action on modifiable factors such as nutrition, physical activity and correct lifestyles.


The Councilor for Territorial Marketing, Francesca Corso, explained that the goal of the project is to educate citizens, especially young people, to pursue healthy, simple and accessible lifestyles for all with outdoor activities.


The Councilor for Social Services, Lorenza Rosso, underlined how much citizens’ health is one of the priorities of this administration, as demonstrated by Genoa’s participation in the worldwide network of Cities Changing Diabetes and the recognition it has just obtained with this project.


Furthermore, as indicated by Andrea Lenzi, president of the Health City Institute and of the CNBBSV of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Genoa is the only Italian city to have equipped itself with the figure of the Health City Manager, a professional who, by promoting interaction among all the players in the system, it has the function of planning the actions necessary to improve the city in terms of health.


The Health City Manager of the Municipality of Genoa, Luciano Grasso, expressed satisfaction with the important result, explaining how the promotion of a healthy diet and a correct lifestyle also involves new technologies, such as apps dedicated to wellness and to the interactivity of citizens.


Associazione Genova Smart City is honored to have within it, with the role of Advisor, a figure of great experience and professionalism such as Luciano Grasso.


Thank you Luciano for your precious contribution to the well-being and health protection of all Genoese citizens!


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