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Genova Smart City meets Mario Mascia: live streaming

The meeting with the Councilor for Economic Development, Urban Planning, Maritime State Property will be broadcast live on the Facebook page of the Genova Smart City Association

On Tuesday 26 September from 10:00 to 12:00 in the Representative Hall of Palazzo Tursi, a meeting open to the public will be held between the Genova Smart City Association and the Councilor of the Municipality of Genoa, Mario Mascia.

During the meeting, some of the main economic development projects of the Municipality of Genoa will be presented with an in-depth analysis of the related opportunities for citizens and businesses.

Can’t you take part in the event in person? On the Facebook page of the Genova Smart City Association you can also follow the meeting in live streaming: https://www.facebook.com/associazionegenovasmartcity/

To participate in person you must register for the event at the following link:
