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Androni – Design your community

From 9 to 15 October on the occasion of the Rolli Days, the cultural event that will enliven the entrances and courtyards of some of the buildings in the historic center of Genoa

Androni – Design Your Community is the cultural event that will animate the entrances and courtyards of some of the buildings in the historic center of Genoa on the occasion of the Rolli Days, in the framework of the Genoa Italian Capital of the Book 2023 program, bringing contents and containers, artists into dialogue and cultural heritage, spaces and communities.

From 9 to 15 October Androni will turn on the light on 5 magnificent buildings that will host artistic performances, workshops, DJ sets, readings, meetings and much more. The events of the Review will be free. Each of the five buildings will correspond to one or more specific artistic languages, which will be the magnifying glass through which to admire and read the beauties of these buildings: music, literature, poetry, art and gaming, entertainment and comics.

Androni is a cultural event promoted by the Municipality of Genoa, it is part of the Caruggi Plan, an Urban Regeneration project of the Historic Centre.

Androni – Design Your Community, edited by Itinerari Paralleli.

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