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Start4up: registrations open for the ideas competition

Registrations are open for the ideas competition dedicated to startups and SMEs. Companies must propose their innovative solutions by February 28, 2024.

Registration is now open for the dedicated ideas competition launched as part of Start4Up, the initiative promoted and organized by the Genova Smart City Association and Confcommercio Genova to encourage the establishment and development of innovative Start-ups and SMEs in Liguria.

The aim of the competition is to propose concrete solutions to the innovation needs expressed by local companies, with the double value of valorising Ligurian start-ups and SMEs, and attracting them from outside to enrich the entrepreneurial fabric of the region.

Participants could propose their innovative solution to one of a series of tasks expressed by a pool of local companies.

The Event will take place according to the following program:

● 01/12/2023: registrations open

● 02/28/2024: deadline for registration and delivery of the initial paper

● 03/15/2024: communication of the projects selected for the second phase

● 04/15/2024: deadline for submitting the final paper

● 05/2024: (date to be confirmed) final event and award ceremony for the winning projects

Between the moment of selection of the projects chosen for the second phase and the sending of the final paper, a team of tutors appointed by the promoters will be available for intermediate review meetings to evaluate the relevance of the proposed solutions to the needs expressed by the companies.

For registration and more information, visit the event page: https://www.start4up.eu/