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The Silver Economy Forum takes part in the 2024 edition of SilverEco

On Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September, the Silver Economy Forum team, together with the president of the Genova Smart City Association Daniela Ameri, attended the new edition of SilverEco, the internationally renowned event dedicated to the silver economy sector.

The event took place at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in Cannes, with a two-day program full of speeches and conferences on issues related to healthy and active aging.

President Daniela Ameri participated as a member of the jury, decreeing the winning project in the “Fight Against Isolation” category during the International Awards: Social Ability.

The Silver Economy Forum has always supported and promoted the values ​​and messages of the event and aims to further deepen, develop and disseminate the issues related to demographic transition and healthy aging, thanks also to participation in industry events, such as SilverEco, of international scope.